Monday, August 14, 2006

Georgia Tech Football Program 31st Over Last Three Years

According to

31. Georgia Tech
Score: 50.96
2005 Ranking: 49 2004 Ranking: 36 2003 Ranking: 23

Attendance Score: 5.04 (average yearly attendance divided by 10)

NCAA APR Score: 7
Drafted Players: 5 (total over three years divided by two)
Total Wins: 20
Quality Wins: 9
Elite Wins: 2
Bad Losses: 0
Conf. Wins: 5.42
TOTAL: 50.96

Program Analysis: Talk about consistent, Georgia Tech has won seven games in the each of the last four years. There are Elite Wins over teams like Auburn and Miami last year, but there are also strange losses like the ones to BYU and Duke (who each finished 4-8) in 2003. The Draft Score should eventually go up, but the more ACC wins, the higher the ranking will go.

We are ahead of Alabama but behind Southern Mississippi? There is an explanation to their scoring method that I recommend you read before getting too confused about where schools ended up in the rankings. -yb
